
Multi Plan Staking Dapp
Manual Staking Dapp with multiple plans (more than one APY and timeframe). Developed with React, Solidity and web3.

Pinksale Lock Clone
Exact Pinksale Lock with Token and LP lock.

Presale DApp
Token Presale website dapp with vesting on the Binance smart chain.

An official Decentralised exchange on a custom EVM blockchain.

Coin12pay Blockchain Mainnet
Coin12pay Blockchain for Coin12pay finance ecosystem.

Shiblite NFT Marketplace
NFT marketplace with AI generator, Fast and seamless service.

Pancakeswap Clone
Decentralised excange | Pancakeswap clone with swap, farms, staking pools, lottery and Prediction games

AutoStaking Dapp
Autostaking Dapp with APY calculator and token smart contract with auto rebase